Home Temp/Humidity Products THUM Calibration
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Calibration Service available for the THUM.

Does your company require traceable certified calibration certificates to prove the accuracy of devices used in your facility to meet ISO or other accreditations?
You can use the calibration service listed below to obtain a certified cal certificate for the THUM from a fully accredited calibration laboratory.  The calibration performed is a multipoint calibration for both temperature and RH.  If any adjustments are required, offsets will be sent to you for entry into the software's offset settings. 

For more details on THUM calibrations contact:

Trescal Miami
554 NW 77th St
Boca Raton, FL 33487

(561) 999-1896
Fax (561) 999-1897


Trescal is an independent calibration lab that is not associated with Practical Design Group, LLC.
