Home Temp/Humidity Products THUM Home Automation
THUM Home Automation PDF Print

The THUM can be integrated with several Home Automation software packages.

Home Control Assistant
Support for the THUM is built into version 7 and above.  However you will need to download the following file and run it. THUMHCAsetup.zip It installs a single file on your system which will allow the THUM to function with HCA. 
Note: The software included with the THUM is not required when using with HCA.  The included software should not be running if you are using the THUM with HCA. 
Here is an example of a customer using HCA and the THUM to monitor a wine room.

To use with HCA:


Install the following file


The THUM can be added to a design using manufacturer "Practical Design Group" and mode "THUM Temperature Humidity Monitor".


A right click on the device name or icon shows a "Get Temperature" menu choice. That displays a popup message box showing the temperature and humidity.


The Visual Programmer Thermostat Test element supports the THUM for temperature and humidity tests.


The Compute Visual Programmer element supports the THUM with the _temperature and _humidity functions


HomeSeer 1.7 or 2.x
Support for the THUM is HomeSeer is achieved through the use of a HomeSeer script.
Note: The software included with the THUM has to be installed and running in order for use with HomeSeer.

Ver 1.7 - Download script and follow these instructions

Ver 2.x - This version uses the same script as Ver 1.7.  However the interface is different and we have not developed a guide for it yet.

Mac XTension
Mac version of the THUM software supports XTension as well as other Mac Home Automation packages via Applescript.



THUM(Temp Humidity USB Monitor) Price: $140.00

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