Home Temp/Humidity Products THUM Software Comparison
THUM Software Comparison PDF Print


THUM Software Features
E-mails notifications if alarm set-points are reached check check check
Send Alarm notifications to your cell phone or pager, if your phone or pager can receive SMS messages via e-mail check check check
Continuously Saves all readings to an Access database check text file
Ability to continuously save all readings to your Microsoft SQL server -- NEW in Ver 2.0.2 check

Shutdown the computer connected to the THUM when an alarm limit is reached -- NEW in Ver 2.0.2 check

Can export data to a csv (comma separated), dBase III, dBase IV, HTML, Excel, or another Access file check text file
Generates real-time graphs of the data check

Sampling period of 10 seconds to 60 minutes check check check
Create your own programs using optional THUM OCX or THUM DLL check Applescript
Software runs as a Windows Service check

Software and USB cable included at no additional charge check check check
Free software free updates until a new major version is released check check check
Generates html page with current readings and graph check

FTP web page to web server check

Generated web page and e-mails are fully customizable check

24 hour/day monitoring (provided THUM remains plugged in and computer and software is left running) check check check